

DevilRoom is an intriguing game featured on Crabgames that immerses players in a dark, mysterious world. Players navigate through various maps filled with intricate challenges and hidden traps. Each map offers a unique environment, adding to the game's complexity and excitement. The game features several modes, including survival and time attack, where players must use their wits and reflexes to overcome obstacles and enemies. With captivating characters and a gripping storyline, DevilRoom is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.


  • Use arrow keys to move your character.
  • Press spacebar to jump.
  • Press 'E' to interact with objects.
  • Use 'Shift' to sprint.

Winning Tips

Master your movements and keep an eye out for hidden traps. Strategically use power-ups to gain an advantage and always plan your moves ahead to avoid surprises.


survival, horror, mystery, adventure, puzzle