Doctor Teeth

Doctor Teeth

Step into the shoes of a virtual dentist with Crabgames's Doctor Teeth, an engaging and educational game that lets you take on various dental procedures. The game features a variety of patients with different dental conditions, challenging you to apply the right treatment. Each patient brings a unique case, from cavities to gum diseases, keeping the game diverse and exciting.


  • To select a tool, simply click on it.
  • Apply the tool to the affected area by clicking on the patient's mouth.
  • If you're unsure of what to do, the question mark icon provides handy tips.

Winning Tips

Always start with diagnosing the problem before proceeding with the treatment. Some conditions may require more than one procedure, so be sure to be thorough in your assessment. Keep an eye for the happiness meter - your goal is to keep it as high as possible.


dental game, virtual dentist, educational game, unblocked game