Find the mia Brother

Find the mia Brother

Find the Mia Brother is an engaging and thrilling game available on Crabgames. In this game, players embark on a mission to locate the lost brother of the main character, Mia. The game features multiple levels with various maps, each presenting unique challenges and puzzles. You'll encounter different characters along the way, each helping you get closer to finding Mia's brother. The maps range from dense forests to mysterious caves, keeping the gameplay exciting and diverse.


  • Use the arrow keys to move around the map.
  • Press the space bar to interact with objects and characters.
  • Use the 'I' key to open your inventory and check collected items.

Winning Tips

To excel in Find the Mia Brother, stay alert and explore every corner of the map. Collect items and clues that can help you progress faster. Remember to interact with every character you meet, as they may provide valuable hints.


mystery, exploration, puzzle, quest, adventure