Galactic Attack

Galactic Attack

Galactic Attack is a thrilling space shooter game available on Crabgames. In this game, you control a spaceship navigating through various galactic maps. Each map is unique, filled with obstacles and adversaries. The game offers different modes, including survival and time attack, adding layers of excitement. Players take on the role of brave pilots, tasked with defending their galaxy from alien invaders. With stunning graphics and immersive gameplay, Galactic Attack is sure to keep you entertained for hours.


  • Use the arrow keys to navigate your spaceship.
  • Press the spacebar to shoot lasers.
  • Collect power-ups by flying over them.

Winning Tips

Focus on upgrading your spaceship's weapons and shields. Master the movement controls to dodge enemy fire effectively. Always keep an eye out for power-ups!


alien invasion, space shooter, spaceship battle, retro graphics, arcade game, high score challenge, sci-fi adventure