- Click on a card to select it
- Double click on a card to move it to the foundation
- Right click or press space to turn over the next card in the stock
- Use Undo button to cancel the previous move
- Use Hint button to get a hint if you're stuck
Welcome to the world of Crabgames! Today, we bring you a fresh take on a classic game: Solitaire Shuffle. This game will test your strategic skills as you maneuver through different modes and maps, each having unique characteristics. From the enchanting Forest mode to the mysterious Castle mode, Solitaire Shuffle offers an immersive gaming experience that will keep you hooked for hours.
Plan your moves carefully and try to keep as many options open as possible. Utilize the Undo button wisely. Don't rush to move your cards to the foundation, sometimes a slower pace can lead to higher scores.
The goal of Solitaire Shuffle is to move all cards to the foundation, following the rules of the game.
Yes, Solitaire Shuffle is mobile-friendly and can be played on any device.
Immerse yourself into a sci-fi adventure with Captain Photon and the Planet of Chaos, a thrilling game that takes you on an intergalactic journey filled with danger and excitement. Test your strategic skills with Chess Grandmaster, a game that offers a real-time chess challenge for all levels. Get into the spooky spirit with Simon Halloween, a game that combines fun and fright in a unique Halloween-themed puzzle. Or, try your hand at running a food business with Sell Tacos, a game that provides a taste of the fast-paced world of street food vending. Explore more games in our Crazy category.
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