Fnaf Shooter

  • Movement: Use WASD keys to move your character.
  • Run: Press W + Shift to run.
  • Jump: Press the Space bar to jump.

Combat and Actions

  • Aim: Use the mouse to look around and aim your weapon.
  • Shoot: Press the left mouse button to shoot.
  • Switch Weapons: Use the mouse wheel or number keys 1-7 to switch between weapons.
  • Reload: Press the R key to reload your weapon.
  • Throw Grenade: Press the G key to throw a grenade.

Fnaf Shooter, showcased on Crabgames, is an adrenaline-fueled game that keeps you on your toes. This game introduces you to a world of suspense and thrill, where every decision matters. You find yourself in a variety of maps, each with its unique challenges and scares. The game features multiple modes, each presenting a different set of rules and objectives. Whether it's surviving the onslaught of animatronics or outsmarting your opponents, Fnaf Shooter never fails to deliver an exciting experience.

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